How did you attract/address you audience?
My magazine includes the type of language
that is expected to be used from my target audience (provocative and use of
swear words). My magazine provides provocative images where the artist does
unconventional poses to interest the readers and give them a different point of
view. Different types of social media such as; twitter facebook, soundcloud,
blogger, a TV channel, radio, spotify, instagram, keek, vine etc. My magazine website
will be able to be accessed on cell phones, tablets, laptops and computers;
this means that the readers can access the website anywhere they are e.g.
trains, in the car in order to keep up to date with the latest news on the
The Uses and Gratifications theory allows
me to get an idea of what my magazine needs to satisfy my audience’s needs and
helps with mass comminication, as it provides an approach that is
audience-centered. My magazine will allow the audience to write to the magazine
so they feel as though they are part of something, using blogs and social media
will help do so too. The colour scheme is inviting to the audience as it’s not
too vibrant or too dull, using colours such as red, black, white, grey and burgundy
brings an alternative look to the magazine.